Dr. AliaPakistan Resolution Day.

#Pakistan celebrates the 23rd of March every year with Great Spirit and enthusiasm. Every year on this day, the government of Pakistan arranges a special event to give respect to this day. The Resolution Day parade by the armed forces of Pakistan is the main celebration of the event. This day is celebrated in the memory of a lot of struggles put together by our leaders and most importantly, our mentor #QUAID E AZAM in the creation of our beloved homeland Pakistan.

23rd of March 1940 was the day of hope and determination for thousands of Muslims of the subcontinent. Based on #Muslim-majority regions in British India. He successfully won the debate by speaking to the party members in Lahore, he explained that Hindus and Muslims are two separate entities, as they are entirely different in cultural and religious aspects.

The resolution for the establishment of a separate homeland for the Muslims of British India passed in the annual session of the All India Muslim League held in Lahore on 22-24 March 1940 is a landmark #document of Pakistan’s history.

The passing of the resolution marked the transformation of the Muslim minority in British India into a nation with its distinguishing socio-cultural and political features, a sense of history, and shared aspirations for the future within a territory.

It made worldly demands keeping in view the problems of the Muslims of British India, the political experience of the #Muslim community, and the prevailing debate about the ways to protect Muslim identity, rights, and interests against the backdrop of the modern state system established by the British in India.

The Resolution addressed the Muslim question in the political and constitutional context of British India and pointed out the course of action the Muslim League intended to adopt to secure the Muslim identity, rights, and interests.

It emphasized the principles that were relevant to the modern state system and the political context of British India. It made five specific demands:

  1. The Resolution rejected the federal system of government as envisaged in the Government of India Act, 1935 because it was “totally unsuited to and unworkable in the peculiar conditions of this country and is altogether unacceptable to Muslim India.”
  2. The Muslims would not accept any revised constitutional plan unless it was framed with “their consent and approval.”
  3. The adjacent territorial units should be demarcated into regions that may involve some territorial adjustments in a manner “that the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in a majority as in north-western and eastern zones of India “become “independent states in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign.”
  4. The resolution offered “adequate, effective, and mandatory safeguards for religious minorities” in the Muslim majority units for the “protection of their religious, cultural, economic, political, and administrative and other rights and interests in consultation with them.” Similar rights will be given to the Muslims in “other parts of India.”
  5. The Muslim League Working Committee was asked to formulate a constitutional scheme on the basis of the principles outlined in the Resolution.

The Resolution thus offered a new course of action for the Muslims of British India as compared to the Muslim League position adopted on constitutional and political issues in the past.

The change was that of strategy but not of the goal.

The Muslim League’s goal since its inception in December 1906 was to protect and advance Muslim socio-cultural identity, rights, and interests in British India’s socio-political and constitutional context.

All points and their struggle will be discussed in a separate chapter.

#Celebration of Pakistan Day.

The celebrations regarding the holiday include a full military and civilian parade in the capital, Islamabad. These are presided over by the President of Pakistan and are held early in the morning. After the parade, the President confers national awards and medals on the awardees at the Presidency.

Also attended in public are the #Prime Minister of Pakistan alongside the Cabinet ministers, military chiefs of staff, and chairman joint chiefs.

A full inter-services joint #military parade is rehearsed and broadcast live by the news media all over the country. Pakistan military inter-services also showed a glance of its power and capabilities during this parade.

Wreaths are also laid at the mausoleums of Muhammad Iqbal and #Muhammad Ali Jinnah founder of Pakistan. In very rare times and significance, foreign dignitaries have been invited to attend the military parade.

Civilians celebrate this holiday with full zeal and zest, also national songs and parades are held with different educational intuitions. Buildings are decorated with lights and patriotism is shown in public by national anthems and visits to the mausoleums….

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#MyMessage to all Pakistani #Leaders and #Politicians.

This post is very important to write for the understanding of all struggles, challenges and fights our mentors and leaders have faced in making an independent Islamic republic state of Pakistan. I hope all politicians of Pakistan will change their mindset and recent activities and will think positively about the progression, development, and advancement of Pakistan. Make #Pakistan beyond beatable in all aspects of life.

“This is not only my message, but this message is on behalf of every Pakistani who gave a mandate to the Parliament, for working together to put people and families first, deliver results, and build a better future of Pakistan. We want to see a proper, educated, and healthy Pakistan.”

Here are a few key points on how Politian and leaders can deliver results for the Pakistani people.

  • Building better #healthcare, #education, and #housing system.
  • Making life more affordable for All Pakistani.
  • Tackling the #climate crisis and creating good-paying jobs.
  • Creating a better deal for low salaries or daily wages for workers.
  • Continuing to move forward on truth and reconciliation for #violence against women, girls, helpless children, supporting survivors, and poor people.
  • Delivering a fairer tax system for all categories of Pakistani people.
  • Strengthening our #democracy by eliminating barriers to voting and all eligible can participate in voting.

Hope we will be seeing soon a #progressive, strong, and better Pakistan.

Dr. Alia

Dr. Alia Nawaz

Dr. Alia

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